
DescriptionThe AS29LV800T-80SI takes 0.215 s to suspend erase operations after receiving Erase Suspend command.To determine completionof erase suspend, either check DQ6 after selecting an address of a sectornot being erased, or poll RY/BY. Check DQ2 in conjunction with DQ6 to determine if a sector...

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AS29LV800T-80SI Picture
SeekIC No. : 004288279 Detail

AS29LV800T-80SI: DescriptionThe AS29LV800T-80SI takes 0.215 s to suspend erase operations after receiving Erase Suspend command.To determine completionof erase suspend, either check DQ6 after selecting an address of...

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Product Details



The AS29LV800T-80SI takes 0.215 s to suspend erase operations after receiving Erase Suspend command.To determine completionof erase suspend, either check DQ6 after selecting an address of a sectornot being erased, or poll RY/BY. Check DQ2 in conjunction with DQ6 to determine if a sectorisbeing erased. AS29LV800 ignores redundant writes of Erase Suspend.

The features of AS29LV800T-80SI are: (1)Organization: 1M*8/512K*16; (2)Sector architecture; (3)Single 2.7-3.6V power supply for read/write operations; (4)Sector protection; (5)High speed 70/80/90/120 ns address access time; (6)Automated on-chip programming algorithm tomatically programs/verifies data at specified address; (7)Automated on-chip erase algorithm: Automatically preprograms/erases chip or specified ; (8)sectors; (9)Hardware RESET pin: Resets internal state machine to read mode.

The following is about the maximum ratings of AS29LV800T-80SI: (1)Input voltage (Input or DQ pin): 0.5 VCC+ 0.5 V ; (2)Input voltage (A9 pin, OE, RESET): 0.5 +12.5 V ; (3)Power supply voltage: -0.5 +4.0 V ; (4)Operating temperature: 55 +125 °C ; (5)Storage temperature (plastic): +150 °C ; (6)Short circuit output current: 65 to 150 mA .



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