• Maximum 200 Mbit/sec channel rate
• Payload data rates of at least 155 Mbit/sec for code rates >0.7 and three iterations
• Symbol rates up to 50 MSym/sec
• Encode Latency of less than 10 clocks
• Integrated encoder/decoder; scrambler/descrambler; and interleaver/deinterleaver for full duplex operation
• Supports enhanced Turbo Product Codes (eTPCs)
• Corrections count and averaging for channel SNR estimation
• Code Rates from .25 to 0.98
• Variable iterations up to 256 per block
• Block Sizes from 256 bits to 16 Kbits
• Programmable code shortening supports exact block sizes
• 32 bit CRC Insertion and Checking with programmable packet length
• Accepts in-phase and quadrature (I & Q) inputs, up to 8 bits each
• Supports soft metric inputs at up to 4 soft metrics of 4 bits each
• Soft metric computation for BPSK, QPSK, 8- PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM
• Supports additional modulation formats with external logic
• Encoder and decoder pass through modes
• Programmable packet and block level synchronization
• Automatic phase ambiguity resolution
• Supports insertion and detection of sync marks up to 32 bits in length
• 8-bit Parallel Data Input/Output
• Support for external VCO to generate data clocks
• Intel or Motorola microprocessor interface
• 3.3V I/O, 1.8V core operation
• Commercial or industrial temperature rating
• RoHS compliant
The AHA4540 device is a single-chip Turbo Product Code (TPC) Forward Error Correction (FEC) Encoder/Decoder capable of 155 Mbit/sec (OC-3) data rates (up to 200 Mbit/sec channel rates). This AHA4540 integrates both a TPC encoder and decoder, and can be operated in a full duplex mode. In addition to TPC coding, support is included for helical interleaving, synchronization mark insertion and detection, CRC computation, scrambling, and higher order modulation symbol mapping. Figure 1 shows the functional block diagram.
The channel interface of AHA4540 supports direct connection to various modulators and demodulators. Support for an arbitrary constellation mapping is included with external logic.
The encode path accepts byte-wide data, computes and inserts a CRC, and scrambles the data before TPC encoding. After the error correction code (ECC) bits are inserted by the encoder, the data is helically interleaved, and block synchronization marks are inserted to assist the decoder. Finally, the data of AHA4540 is mapped according to the constellation and output from the device.
The decoder accepts input symbols via the demodulated in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components or alternately as soft metric inputs from an external demodulator. An internal block synchronizer searches for synchronization marks, rotating the input symbol phase as necessary. After synchronization is achieved, the data is helically deinterleaved and decoded by the TPC decoder. The output of the AHA4540 decoder is descrambled, and the CRC is computed to verify data integrity. Decoded data is output in a parallel, byte-wide fashion.
Internal circuitry of AHA4540 enables the transfer rate across all ports, generating a constant, non-burst data flow. In addition, control of an external VCO can be used to generate data clocks, greatly simplifying system clocking issues.