Number of Detents
Mounting Style
Termination Style
Shaft Type
With Switch
Operating Temperature Range
: Bulk
: Optical Encoders
Supply Voltage
: 5 V
Number of Channels
: 6
Pulses per Revolution
: 2500 CPR
Specifications - Small and circular shape allows it to be easily designed into a housed encoders or directly mounted on to motors.
- Complete package of encoder module with codewheel offer highly competitive price range.
- Easy to align using alignment tool
- Easy to mount
DescriptionAvago Technologies' state-of-the-art 6-channel commutation optical encoder, the AEDB-9340 series, has been designed to enable motor manufacturers to seamlessly develop a feedback mechanism in a closed-loop servo system for Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) designs.
The optical AEDB-9340 series encoder integrates channel-A, channel-B, and channel-I for positional feedback with channel-U, channel-V, and channel-W to emulate the Hall sensor feedback for rotor commutation. All these output signals are generated from the optical sensors where the number of pole-pairs can be changed easily by re-configuring the codewheel pattern without any change to the hardware design. This feature will help to significantly reduce the development time for motor manufacturers' designs and time-to-market.
In addition, the switching accuracy is known to be much better than conventional Hall sensors where the commutation accuracy for AEDB-9340 encoder series is rated at ±1deg. mechanical. This integrated solution eliminates the use of Hall sensors in BLDC motor feedback which is not only cost effective, but also improves the overall system performance. It also reduces the total size of a BLDC motor enclosed with an integrated feedback device.
Avago Technologies' 6-channel commutation optical AEDB-9340 seriesencoder is available in resolutions from 1000 CPR to 2500 CPR, and the shaft diameter is available from 3 mm up to 10 mm. An alignment tool, HEDS-8952, is also available to help the system integrators to align the encoder to the motor shaft. The alignment tool, HEDS-8952, is available in 'Accessories > Alignment Tool' section.
Packing Information
AEDB-9340 series: Shipping tube (12pcs per tube)