Features: Complete Current Output ConverterHigh Stability Buried Zener ReferenceLaser Trimmed to High Accuracy (1/4 LSB Max Error,AD561K, T)Trimmed Output Application Resistors for 0 V to +10 V,65 V RangesFast Settling 250 ns to 1/2 LSBGuaranteed Monotonicity OverFull OperatingTemperature RangeTT...
AD561: Features: Complete Current Output ConverterHigh Stability Buried Zener ReferenceLaser Trimmed to High Accuracy (1/4 LSB Max Error,AD561K, T)Trimmed Output Application Resistors for 0 V to +10 V,65 V...
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The AD561 is an integrated circuit 10-bit digital-to-analogconverter combined with a high stability voltage referencefabricated on a single monolithic chip. Using ten precision highspeedcurrent-steering switches, a control amplifier, voltagereference, and laser-trimmed thin-film SiCr resistor network,the device produces a fast, accurate analog output current.Laser trimmed outputapplication resistors are also included tofacilitate accurate, stable current-to-voltage conversion; they aretrimmed to 0.1% accuracy, thus eliminating external trimmersin many situations.
Several important technologies combine to make the AD561 themost accurate and most stable 10-bit DAC available. The lowtemperature coefficient, high stability thin-film network istrimmed at the wafer level by a fine resolution laser system to0.01% typical linearity. This results in an accuracy specificationof ±1/4 LSB max for the K and T versions, and 1/2 LSB maxfor the J and S versions.
The AD561 also incorporates a low noise, high stabilitysubsurface zener diode to produce a reference voltage withexcellent long term stability and temperature cycle characteristics,which challenge the best discrete Zener references. Atemperature compensation circuit is laser-trimmed to allowcustom correction of the temperature coefficient of each device.This results in a typical full-scale temperature coefficient of15 ppm/°C; the TC is tested and guaranteed to 30 ppm/°C maxfor the K and T versions, 60 ppm/°C max for the S, and80 ppm/°C for the J.
The AD561 is available in four performance grades. TheAD561J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°Ctemperature range and are available in either a 16-pinhermetically-sealed ceramic DIP or a 16-pin molded plasticDIP. The AD561S and T grades are specified for the 55°C to+125°C range and are available in the ceramic package.