
Features: OUtput capability:±24 maCMOS(AC)and TTL(ACT) voltage level inputs 50 incident wave switching center-pin vcc and ground configu-ration to minimize high-speed switch-ing noise lcc actegory:SSLPinoutSpecifications SYMBOL PAPAMETER TEST CONDITIONS RATING UNIT VCC dc supply volt...

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ACT11013 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004267956 Detail

ACT11013: Features: OUtput capability:±24 maCMOS(AC)and TTL(ACT) voltage level inputs 50 incident wave switching center-pin vcc and ground configu-ration to minimize high-speed switch-ing noise lcc actegory:S...

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Product Details



OUtput capability:±24 ma
CMOS(AC)and TTL(ACT) voltage level inputs
50 incident wave switching
center-pin vcc and ground configu-ration to minimize high-speed switch-ing noise
lcc actegory:SSL


  Connection Diagram  Connection Diagram


VCC dc supply voltage   -0.5 to +0.7 v
Iik OR Vi dc input diode current2 vi<0 -20 ma
vi>vcc 20
dc input voltage   -0.5 tovcc+0.5 v
Iok OR Vo dc output diode current2 Vo<0 -50 ma
Vo>Vcc 50
dc output voltage   -0.5to Vcc+0.5 V
Io dc output source or sink cirrent per output pin Vo=0 to Vcc ±50 ma
Icc or Ieng DC Vcc current   ±200 ma
DC ground current   ±200
Tstg storage temperature   -65 to 150
Ptot power dissipation per package Above 70; derate linearly by 8mW/K 500 mW

power dissipation per package

plastic surface mount (SO)

Above 70; derate linearly by 8mW/K 400 mW


The 74AC/ACT11013 high-performance CMOS devices comparable very high speed and high output drive compa-rable to the most advanced TTl families
The 74AC/ACT11013 provides two sparate 4-input NAND gate functions which are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into sharply defined,jitter-free output addition,they have greater noise margin than conventional NAND  gates.


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