
Features: Tri Mode 1x, 1.5x, and 2x Charge Pump forMaximum Efficiency and V FcoverageDrives Low-V F& High-VFType LEDsUp to 4, 30mAOutputsAS 2Cwire Independent 3+1 output addressing32 Position Logarithmic Scale with Digital ControlLow Noise Constant Frequency Operation1MHz Switching FrequencySm...

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AAT3141 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004261122 Detail

AAT3141: Features: Tri Mode 1x, 1.5x, and 2x Charge Pump forMaximum Efficiency and V FcoverageDrives Low-V F& High-VFType LEDsUp to 4, 30mAOutputsAS 2Cwire Independent 3+1 output addressing32 Position Lo...

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Product Details



Tri Mode 1x, 1.5x, and 2x Charge Pump for
Maximum Efficiency and V Fcoverage
Drives Low-V F& High-VFType LEDs
Up to 4, 30mAOutputs
AS 2Cwire Independent 3+1 output addressing
32 Position Logarithmic Scale with Digital Control
Low Noise Constant Frequency Operation
1MHz Switching Frequency
Small Application Circuit
Regulated Output Current
Automatic Soft-Start
VINRange: 2.7V to 5.5V
No Inductors
Iq < 1Ain Shutdow
12 pin TSOPJW package


White LED Backlighting
White Photo-Flash for DSCs
Color (RGB) Lighting
Programmable Current Sources


  Connection Diagram


  • Tri-mode 1x, 1.5x, and 2x charge pump for maximum efficiency and VF coverage
  • Drives low-VF and high-VF type LEDs
  • Up to four 30mA outputs
  • AS2Cwire independent 3+1 output addressing
  • 32-position logarithmic scale with digital control
  • Low noise constant frequency operation
  • 1MHz switching frequency
  • Small application circuit
  • Regulated output current
  • Automatic soft-start
  • VIN range: 2.7V to 5.5V
  • No inductors
  • Iq < 1A in shutdown
  • 12-pin TSOPJW package

Symbol Description
Value Units
VIN Input Voltage, POK -0.3 to 6 V
EN/SETto GND Voltage -0.3 to V IN+ 0.3 V
Operating Junction Temperature Range -40 to 150 °C


span id="lblDescription">

The AAT3141 is a low noise, constant frequency charge pump DC/DC converter that uses a tri-mode load switch (1X), fractional (1.5X), and doubling (2X) conversion to maximize efficiency for white LED applications. The device produces current levels up to 30mA on each of its four current source outputs to drive various arrangements of LEDs from a 2.7V to 5.5V input. Outputs may be operated individually or in parallel for driving higher-current LEDs. A low external parts count (two 1F flying capacitors and two small 1F capacitors at VIN and CP) make the AAT3141 ideally suited for small battery-powered applications. AnalogicTech Advanced Simple Serial Control (AS2Cwire) digital input is used to enable, disable, and set the LED drive current with a 32-level logarithmic scale LED brightness control. The AAT3141 has a thermal management system to protect the device in the event of a short circuit condition at an output pin. Built-in soft-start circuitry prevents excessive inrush current during start-up. A high charge pump switching frequency enables the use of very small external capacitors. In shutdown mode, the device disconnects the load from VIN and reduces quiescent current to less than 1A. The AAT3141 is available in the very small 12-pin TSOPJW package.

The AAT3141 is a low noise, constant frequency charge pump DC/DC converter that uses a tri mode load switch (1X), fractional (1.5X), and dou-bling (2X) conversion to maximize efficiency for White LED applications. The device produces cur-rent levels up to 30mAon each of its 4 current source outputs to drive various arrangements of LEDs from a 2.7V to 5.5V input. Outputs may be operated individually or in parallel for driving high-er-current LEDs. Alow external parts count (two1|ìF flying capacitors and two small 1F capacito at VIN, and CP) make the AAT3141 ideally suited for small battery-powered applications.

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