
Features: ·Package in 12mm tape on 7 diameter reels.·Compatible with automaticplacement equipment.·EIA Std. package.·Mono-color type.·Pb-free·The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.Application`Small indicator for indoor applications.`Flat backlight for LCD, switches and symb...

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91-21SURC/S530-XX/XXX Picture
SeekIC No. : 004258051 Detail

91-21SURC/S530-XX/XXX: Features: ·Package in 12mm tape on 7 diameter reels.·Compatible with automaticplacement equipment.·EIA Std. package.·Mono-color type.·Pb-free·The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant ve...

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Product Details



·Package in 12mm tape on 7" diameter reels.
·Compatible with automaticplacement equipment.
·EIA Std. package.
·Mono-color type.
·The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.


`Small indicator for indoor applications.
`Flat backlight for LCD, switches and symbols.
`Indicator and backlight in office equipment.
`Indicator and backlight for battery driven equipment.
`Indicator and backlight for audio and video equipment.
`Automotive : backlighting in dashboards and switches.
`Telecommunication:indicator and backlighting in telephone and fax.


Reverse Voltage VR .....................................5 V
Forward Current IF .................................25 mA
Operating Temperature Topr........ -40 ~ +85
Storage Temperature Tstg ..........-40 ~ +100
Soldering Temperature Tsol..... 260 for 5 Sec.
Electrostatic Discharge ESD ...................2000 V
Power Dissipation Pd .............................60 mW
Peak Forward Current(Duty 1/10 @ 1KHz) IFP.....60 mA



·The 91-21 SMD taping is much smaller than leaded components .Thus enable smaller board size.Higher packing density. Reduced storage space and finally smaller equipment to be obtained.

·Besides, light weight makes them ideal for miniature applications.

·Furthermore by automation assembly machines the accuracy is anticipated.

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