
Features: · Combines modem and protocol controller· Supports 0 - 300, 1200 and 2400 bit/s with both sync and async modes· Modular software design allows customization· Modem protocols:· Bell 103 (73K224L), 212A· CCITT V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.23 (73K324L)· Error control/compression protocols Availab...

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73D2348A Picture
SeekIC No. : 004248163 Detail

73D2348A: Features: · Combines modem and protocol controller· Supports 0 - 300, 1200 and 2400 bit/s with both sync and async modes· Modular software design allows customization· Modem protocols:· Bell 103 (73...

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Product Details



· Combines modem and protocol controller
· Supports 0 - 300, 1200 and 2400 bit/s with both sync and async modes
· Modular software design allows customization
· Modem protocols:
· Bell 103 (73K224L), 212A
· CCITT V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.23 (73K324L)
· Error control/compression protocols Available:MNP4, MNP5, CCITT V.42, V.42bis
· Supports non-volatile memory to store user configurations and phone numbers
· CMOS design for low power consumption


  Connection Diagram


The 73D2348A Device Sets consists of two CMOS integrated circuits which provide the data pump and protocol functions required to implement a high performance 2400 bit/s modem with error control and data compression. The 73D2248A basic modem function is provided by the 73K224L modem chip and is compatible with CCITT V.21, V.22,V.22bis and Bell 103 and 212A protocols. The error control functions of the 73D2348A are provided by modular software running in the 73M2910 controller. Modules are available for MNP4, and V.42. Compression software modules can be added to the controller;MNP5 and V.42bis are available. Provisions for customization of the command set are provided,forming the basis for an international modem.

The 73D2348A differs from the 73D2248A in that it uses the 73K324L instead of the 73K224L for the data pump. The 73K324L replaces the Bell 103, 300 bps (bit/s) FSK mode of operation, with the CCITT V.23, 1200 bps (bit/s) FSK mode. The software of the 73D2348A is also modified to support V.23. The two products are otherwise identical.

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