
Features: *Radiation Hard: Dose Rate Upset Exceeding 3x1010 Rad(Si)/sec Total Dose for Functionality Upto 1x106 Rad(Si)*High SEU Immunity, Latch Up Free*CMOS-SOS Technology*All Inputs and Outputs Fully TTL Compatible (54HST630) or CMOS Compatible (54HSC630)*Low Power*Detects and Corrects Single-Bi...

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54HSCT630 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004233392 Detail

54HSCT630: Features: *Radiation Hard: Dose Rate Upset Exceeding 3x1010 Rad(Si)/sec Total Dose for Functionality Upto 1x106 Rad(Si)*High SEU Immunity, Latch Up Free*CMOS-SOS Technology*All Inputs and Outputs Fu...

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Product Details



* Radiation Hard:
   Dose Rate Upset Exceeding 3x1010 Rad(Si)/sec
   Total Dose for Functionality Upto 1x106 Rad(Si)
* High SEU Immunity, Latch Up Free
* CMOS-SOS Technology
* All Inputs and Outputs Fully TTL Compatible (54HST630)
   or CMOS Compatible (54HSC630)
* Low Power
* Detects and Corrects Single-Bit Errors
* Detects and Flags Dual-Bit Errors
* High Speed:
   Write Cycle - Generates Checkword In 40ns Typical
   Read Cycle - Flags Errors In 20ns Typical


  Connection Diagram


Parameter  From
Min. Max. Units Conditions (HST) Conditions (HSC)
tPLH Propogation delay time, low-to-high-level output (Note 4) DB CB   58 ns S0 = 0V, S1 = 0V S0 = 0V, S1 = 0V
tPLH Propogation delay time, low-to-high-level output (Note 4) DB CB   58 ns S0 = 0V, S1 = 0V S0 = 0V, S1 = 0V
tPLH Propogation delay time, low-to-high-level output (Note 5) S1 DEF   29 ns S0 = 3V S0 = VDD-1V
tPLH Propogation delay time, low-to-high-level output (Note 5) S1 SEF   29 ns S0 = 3V S0 = VDD-1V
tPLH Output enable time to high level (Note 6) S0 CB, DB   40 ns S1 = 3V (fig. 5) S1 = VDD-1V (fig. 5)
tPLH Output enable time to high level (Note 6) S0 CB, DB   45 ns S1 = 3V (fig. 4) S1 = VDD-1V (fig. 4)
tPLH Output disable time to high level (Note 7) S0 CB, DB   45 ns S1 = 3V (fig. 5) S1 = VDD-1V (fig. 5)
tPLH Output disable time to high level (Note 7) S0 CB, DB   65 ns S1 = 3V (fig. 4) S1 = VDD-1V (fig. 4)
tS Set-up time to S1 › CB, DB   30   ns    
tH Hold time after S1 › CB, DB   15   ns    


The 54HSC/T630 is a 16-bit parallel Error Detection and Correction circuit. 54HSC/T630 uses a modified Hamming code to generate a 6-bit check word from each 16-bit data word. The check word of 54HSC/T630 is stored with the data word during a memory write cycle. During a memory read cycle a 22-bit word is taken from memory and checked for errors.

Single bit errors of 54HSC/T630 in data words are flagged and corrected. Single bit errors in check words are flagged but not corrected. The position of the incorrect bit is pinpointed, in both cases, by the 6-bit error syndrome code which is output during the error correction cycle.

Two bit errors of 54HSC/T630 are flagged but not corrected. Any combination of two bit errors occurring within the 22-bit word read from memory, (ie two errors in the 16-bit data word, two bits in the 16-bit check word or one error in each) will be correctly identified.

The gross errors of all bits, low or high about 54HSC/T630 , will be detected.

The control signals S1 and S0 of 54HSC/T630 select the function to be performed by the EDAC They control the generation of check words and the latching and correction of data (see table 1) When errors are detected, flags are placed on outputs SEF and DEF (see table 2).

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