Features: `Baslc machlne-language lnstructlons ...................................... 71`The mlnlmum lnstructlon executlon tlme ......................... 0.48 ms (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency) lMemory slze ................................................................................. ROM......
3819 Group: Features: `Baslc machlne-language lnstructlons ...................................... 71`The mlnlmum lnstructlon executlon tlme ......................... 0.48 ms (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency) l...
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`Baslc machlne-language lnstructlons ...................................... 71
`The mlnlmum lnstructlon executlon tlme ......................... 0.48 ms (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency) lMemory slze ................................................................................. ROM............................................. 4K to 60 K bytes RAM ........................................... 192 to 2048 bytes
`Programmable lnput/output ports ............................................ 54
`Hlgh-breakdown-voltage output ports ...................................... 52
`lnterrupts ................................................. 20 sources, 16 vectors Tlmers ............................................................................. 8-blt 5 6 lSerlal l/O (Serlal lO1 has an automatlc transfer functlon) ...................................................... 8-blt 5 3(clock-synchronlzed) lPWM output clrcult ............... 8-blt 5 1(also functlons as lmer 6) lA-D converter ............................................... 8-blt 5 16 channels lD-A converter ................................................. 8-blt 5 1 channels lZero cross detectlon lnput ............................................ 1 channel lFluorescent dlsplay functlon Segments ........................................................................ 16 to 42 glts .................................................................................. 6 to 16 l2 Clock generatlng clrcult Clock (XlN-XOUT) ................................. lnternal feedback reslstor Sub-clock (XClN-XCOUT) .........Wlthout lnternal feedback reslstor (connect to external ceramlc resonator or quartz-crystal osclllator) lPower source voltage
`n hlgh-speed mode .................................................. 4.0 to 5.5 V (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency and hlgh-speed selected)
`n m`ddle-speed mode............................................... 2.8 to 5.5 V (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency)
`n low-speed mode .................................................... 2.8 to 5.5 V (at 32 kHz osclllatlon frequency) lPower dlsslpatlon
`n hlgh-speed mode ..........................................................35 mW (at 8.4 MHz osclllatlon frequency)
`n low-speed mode ............................................................ 60 mW (at 3 V power source voltage and 32 kHz osc`llat`on frequency ) lOperatlng temperature range .................................... 10 to 85°C
The 3819 Group is a 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family core technology.
The 3819 Group has a flourescent display automatic display circuit and an 16-channel 8-bit A-D converter as additional functions. The various microcomputers in the 3819 group include variations of internal memory size and packaging. For details, refer to the section on part numbering.
For details on availability of microcomputers in the 3819 Group, refer to the section on group expansion.