The 2SK3029 has six features. The first feature of the 2SK3029 is avalanche energy capacity guaranteed. The second feature of the 2SK3029 is high-speed switching. The third feature of the 2SK3029 is low ON-resistance. The fourth feature of the 2SK3029 is no secondary breakdown. The fifth feature of the 2SK3029 is low-voltage drive. The sixth feature of the 2SK3029 is high electrostatic breakdown voltage. According to the above whole features of the 2SK3029, you may know the 2SK3029is a useful kind of product.
The features of the 2SK3029 make itself have many applications. Here show them to you. The first application of the 2SK3029 is contactless relay. The second application of the 2SK3029 is diving circuit for a solenoid. The third application of the 2SK3029 is driving circuit for a motor. The fourth application of the 2SK3029 is control equipment. The fifth application of the 2SK3029 is switching power supply.
The 2SK3029 has many absolute maximum ratings. Here show you six absolute maximum ratings of the 2SK3029. It can make you clear of the 2SK3029. The first absolute maximum rating is the gate to source voltage which is ±20 V, and its symbol is VGSS. The second absolute maximum rating is drain current, which is ±5A, and its symbol is ID. The third absolute maximum rating is allowable power dissipation, which is 10W on the condition of Tc = 25°C, and 1W on the condition of Ta = 25°C, and its symbol is PD. The fourth absolute maximum rating is channel temperature, which is 150 °C, and its symbol is Tch. The fifth absolute maximum rating is storage temperature range, which range from −55 °C to 150 °C, and its symbol is Tstg. The last absolute maximum rating is drain to source voltage which is 100V, and the symbol is VDSS.
The 2SK3029 also has many electrical characteristics on the condition of TC = 25°C. Here show you five electrical characteristics of the 2SK3029. It can make you clear of the 2SK3029. The first electrical characteristics is the gate threshold voltage which is 1 V, and its symbol is Vth. The second electrical characteristics is drain to source cut-off current, which is 10A , and its symbol is IDSS. The third electrical characteristics is drain to source breakdown voltage, which is 100V, and its symbol is VDSS. The fourth electrical characteristics is diode forward voltage, which is -1.5V, and its symbol is VDSF. The last electrical characteristics is gate to source leakage current which is ±10A, and the symbol is IGSS.