Battery Cell Size
Number of Batteries
: 1
: Phosphor Bronze
Mounting Style
: Battery Contacts
Termination Style
: Silver
Features: ±3 A Peak Output Current
Output Voltage to 50 V
Integral Output Suppression Diodes
Output Current Sensing
TTL/CMOS Compatible Inputs
Internal Thermal Shutdown Circuitry
Crossover-Current Protected
Automotive CapablePinout
Specifications at TJ +150°C
Supply Voltage, VBB ......................................... 50 V
Output Current, IOUT (continuous) ................. ±2 A
(peak) ....................................................... ±3 A
Sink Driver Emitter Voltage, VE ........................ 1.5 V
Logic Input Voltage Range,
VPHASE or VENABLE ......................... -0.3 V to 15 V
Package Power Dissipation,
PD ....................................................... See Graph
Operating Temperature Range,
TA ............................................. -20°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range,
TS ............................................ -55°C to +150°CDescriptionAs an interface between low-level logic and solenoids, dc (brush) motors, or stepper motors, the UDN2998W dual full-bridge driver will operate inductive loads up to 50 V with continuous output currents of up to 2 A per bridge or peak (start-up) currents to 3 A. The control inputs are compatible with TTL, DTL, and 5 V CMOS logic. Except for a common supply voltage and thermal shutdown, the two drivers in each package are completely independent.
For external PWM control, an Output Enable for each 2998 bridge circuit is provided and the sink driver emitters are pinned out for connection to external current-sensing resistors. The chopper drive mode is characterized by low power dissipation levels and maximum efficiency. A PHASE input to each bridge determines load-current direction.
Extensive circuit protection is provided on-chip. Both ground-clamp and flyback diodes for each bridge are provided. A thermal shutdown circuit disables the load drive if chip temperature rating (package power dissipation) is exceeded. Internally-generated delays provide crossover-current protection.
The UDN2998W is packaged in a 12-pin single in-line power-tab package for high power capabilities. Driving either of the bridges at the full 2 A dc rating requires the use of an external heat sink. The tab is at ground potential and needs no insulation.