Features: 350 mA Output Source Current
Over-Current Protected
Internal Ground Clamp Diodes
Output Breakdown Voltage 35 V, Minimum
TTL, DTL, PMOS, or CMOS Compatible Inputs
Internal Thermal Shutdown
Automotive CapablePinout
Note that the UDN2987A (DIP) and the UDN2987LW (SOIC) are electrically identical and share a common terminal number assignment.Specifications at TA = +25°C
Driver Supply Voltage, VS ............................. 35 V
Output Sustaining Voltage, VCE(sus) ............ 35 V
Continuous Output Current,
IOUT ................................................ -500 mA*
FAULT Output Voltage, VCE ........................... 35 V
FAULT Output Current, lC ............................ 30 mA
Input Voltage, VIN ......................................... 15 V
Package Power Dissipation,
PD .................................................... See Graph
Operating Temperature Range,
TA ......................................... -20°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range,
TS ....................................... -55°C to +150°CDescriptionProviding over-current protection for each of its eight sourcing outputs, the UDN2987A and UDN2987LW drivers are used as an interface between standard low-level logic and relays, motors, sole-noids, LEDs, and incandescent lamps. The device includes thermal shutdown and output transient protection/clamp diodes for use with sustaining voltages to 35 V.
In these drivers, each channel includes a latch to turn OFF that channel if the maximum channel current is exceeded. All channels are disabled if the thermal shutdown is activated. A common FAULT output is used to indicate either chip thermal shutdown or any over-current condition. All outputs are enabled by pulling the common OE/R input high. When OE/R is low, all outputs are inhibited and the eight latches are reset.
Under normal operating conditions, each of eight outputs will source in excess of 100 mA continuously at an ambient temperature of 25°C and a supply of 35 V. The over-current fault circuit will protect the device from short-circuits to ground with supply voltages of up to 35 V.
The inputs are compatible with 5 V and 12 V logic systems-TTL,Schottky TTL, DTL, PMOS, and CMOS. In all cases, the output is switched ON by an active high input level. The UDN2987A is supplied in a 20-pin dual in-line plastic package; the UDN2987LW is supplied in a 20-lead small-outline plastic package.