Thread Size
: Nylon
: Louvered Plug
Outside Diameter
: 55.1 mm
Features: Non-Inverting Function
(Input Low = Output ON)
200 mA Current Rating
100 mA Continuous and Simultaneous
(All outputs) to +85
Low Saturation Voltage
TTL, CMOS, NMOS Compatible
Efficient Input/Output Pin Format
DIP or SOIC PackagingPinout
SpecificationsOutput Voltage, VCE ...................... 20 V
Supply Voltage, VS..........................20 V
Input Voltage, VIN ......................... 20 V
Output Current, lC .................... 200 mA
Ground Terminal Current, IGND ......1.6 A
Package Power Dissipation,
PD ................................. See Graph
Operating Temperature Range,
TA .............................-20 to +85
Storage Temperature Range,
TS ........................... -55 to +150DescriptionDeveloped for use with low-voltage LED and incandescent displays requiring low output saturation voltage, the UDN2595A and A2595SLW meet many interface needs, including those exceeding the capabilities of standard logic buffers. The eight non-Darlington outputs of each driver can continuously and simultaneously sink load currents of 100 mA at ambient temperatures of up to +75.
The eight-channel driver's active-low inputs can be driven directly from TTL, Schottky TTL, DTL, 5 to 16 V CMOS, and NMOS logic. All input connections of UDN2595A and A2595SLW are on one side of the package, output connections on the other, for simplified printed wiring board layouts.
These drivers are packaged in plastic DlPs (suffix A) or surfacemountable wide-body SOlCs (suffix LW), and are rated for operation over the temperature range of -20 to +85. The UDN2595A and A2595SLW are also available for operation to -40. To order, change the suffix from 'SLW' to 'ELW'.