The 1N728WS is a widely used kind of production, about which you can learn from this article. The followings are the description of the 1N728WS. The 1N728WS is made for super-high speed switching and wave detection circuit applications.
The 1N728WS has six absolute maximum ratings, and the condition is that TA = 25 unless otherwise is noted. The first absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is peak reverse voltage, which is 30 V, and the symbol is VRM. The second absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is reverse voltage which is 30 V, and the symbol is VR. The third absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is peak forward current, which is 150 mA, and the symbol is IFM. The fourth absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is paek forward current, which is 150 mA, and the Isurge. The fifth absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is junction temperature, which is 125 , and the symbol is Tj. The sixth absolute maximum rating of the 1N728WS is storage temperature range which is - 55 to + 125, and the symbol is TS.
The 1N728WS has five characteristics, and the condition is that TA = 25unless otherwise is noted. The first characteristics of the 1N728WS is forward voltage at IF = 1 mA, which is 0.4 mA, and the symbol is VF. The second characteristics of the 1N728WS is reverse current at VR = 30 V, which is 0.3A , Rand the symbol is IR. The third characteristics of the 1N728WS is terminal capacitance at VR = 1 V, f = 1 MHz, which is 1.5pF, and the symbol is CT. The fourth characteristics of the 1N728WS is reverse recovery time at IF = IR = 10 mA, Irr = 1 mA, RL = 100 , which is 1 ns, and the symbol is Trr. The fifth characteristics of the 1N728WS is detection efficiency at Vin = 3 V(peak), f = 30 MHz, RL = 3.9 K, CL = 10 pF, which is 65%, and the symbol is .
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