Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Peak Operating Voltage(TJ = 55°C to +200°C) POV 100 Volts Steady State Power Dissipation@ TL = 75°CDerate above TL = 75°CLead Length = 3/8,(Forward or Reverse Bias) PD 6004.8 mWmW/°C Operating and Storage JunctionTemperature Range ...
1N5295_1352873: Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Peak Operating Voltage(TJ = 55°C to +200°C) POV 100 Volts Steady State Power Dissipation@ TL = 75°CDerate above TL = 75°CLead Length = 3/8...
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Peak Operating Voltage (TJ = 55°C to +200°C) |
POV | 100 | Volts |
Steady State Power Dissipation @ TL = 75°C Derate above TL = 75°C Lead Length = 3/8, (Forward or Reverse Bias) |
PD | 600 4.8 |
mW mW/°C |
Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range |
Tj, TsTG | 55 to +200 |
Field-effect current regulator diodes are circuit elements that provide a current essentially independent of voltage. These diodes are especially designed for maximum impedance over the operating range. The 1N5314 may be used in parallel to obtain higher currents.