Published:2011/7/10 23:41:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Sleepiness Reminder | From:SeekIC
Work of the circuit
The circuit consists of astable oscillator, lkHz oscillator, 3Hz ultra-low-frequency oscillator and the audio output circuit. (It is showed in picture 7-117.)
Astable oscillator consists of dual time-base integrated circuit ICla, resistors Rl-R3, diodes VDl and capacitors CI.
lkHz oscillator consists of IClb, resistors R4, R5 and capacitor C2.
3Hz ultra-low-frequency oscillator consists of dual time-base integrated circuit IC2b, resistors R6, R7 and capacitor C4.
The audio output circuit consists of IC2a, diode VD2-VD5, capacitor C5 and buzzer HA.
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