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Published:2011/8/25 22:23:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Ramp, function, generator | From:SeekIC
The ramp function generator circuit composed of the TA7507 is as shown in the figure. This circuit is designed as one kind of Mueller integral circuit, and it changes into the ramp function generator circuit by adding some related components. In this circuit, the VT1 is the N channel MOSFET tube (0V cut-off and +5V conduction), the vd4 and vd5 clamp the drain voltage of VT1 at 0V. When the output voltage increases, it can prevent the VT1 to be damaged.
When the VT1 is in the cut-off state, the A1 integrates the input benchmark voltage U, so the circuit outputs the ramp waveform. In the circuit, A1 uses the A7507, it is one kind of FET input type operational amplifier.
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