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Published:2011/4/17 20:52:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: general-purpose , function generator | From:SeekIC
Signal generator can be divided into three parts: the sine wave and triangle wave generator, counter and pulse and ramp generator. The circuit is as shown, XR2206 adopts voltage controlled oscillator, the frequency adjustment is achieved by potentiometer RP5 (10k), it is easy to adjust to the frequency in one-thousandth. If you change the resistance of the fixed resistor R3, the resistance of the RP5 could also be changed. Sine and triangular waves is different from other similar instruments, the attenuator switch Sl only can change the magnitude of signal, it does not affect the bias voltage. According to the need, the fixed attenuation can be got (to 20dB, the voltage ratio is 10), it adjusted by R6, fixed resistor R7 connecting in parallel. It also could connect to rheostat to adjust resistance. Although the adjustment of resistance is more expensive, but it is easy to implement.
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