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Published:2013/9/9 20:24:00 Author:lynne | Keyword: LED Security Light with PIR Motion Sensor Circuit | From:SeekIC
In this security light circuit, High level (3.3V) output from SB0061 is used to switch on six 5mm white straw hat LEDs through a solid-state switch realized using transistors T1 & T2. PIR sensor modules usually have a 3-pin connection: Vcc (+) , Output, and Ground (-) . The pinout may vary, so it is recommend to check the manufacturer’s datasheet to confirm the pins. Besides PIR sensor module also has a 3-pin jumper selection for single or continuous trigger output mode.
The two positions have labels H and L. When the jumper is at H position, the output remains high when the sensor is re-triggered repeatedly. In position L, the output goes high and low every time the sensor is triggered. So a continuous motion will give repeated high/low pulses in this mode.
The PIR LED light security circuit can be powered from a compact 9V rechargeable battery. Note that the battery charger circuit is not included with the circuit schematic. You can use any suitable external 9V battery charger to re-charge the battery pack.
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