Published:2011/7/20 8:23:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: infrared, remote control, launch circuit | From:SeekIC
The little external components.The wide external power supply voltage range, the value is 4-6.5V.The oscillating circuit has the external ceramic filter. The typical value of the reference frequency is 455kHz, the carrier-wave frequency is 1/12 of the reference frequency.In the non-operating state, the power supply current is very small, the value is lower than 4uA when VDD=6V.It has 20 groups of subsystem addresses, every subsystem has 64 instructions.The SAA3008P uses the 20-pin dual-row DIP plastic package, the SAA3008T uses the 20-pin small size plastic package.The matching model are TDA3048, SAA3009 and SAA3049.
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