Published:2011/7/12 8:48:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: TV set, infrared remote control, receiving circuit | From:SeekIC
The M50126P is designed as one kind of infrared remote control receiving circuit, and it can be used in the TV set application. The internal circuit is composed of the input circuit, the scanner, the type-in encoder, the oscillator, the timing signal generator, the instruction decoder, the multi-channel audio controller, the D/A converter and the program controller.
It uses the aluminum-gate CMOS process, the power consumption is low;The voltage range of the power supply is wide, and it has the single power supply;The oscillation circuit can connect with the ceramic or LC as the resonant component;The good anti-noise performance;It can receive 26 kinds of instructions, and it has 6 direct button functions;It can be used with the M50125P,M51231P and M58486P, M50118P;It is in the 22-pin dual-row DIP package.
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