Published:2011/7/20 19:22:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: TV, infrared, remote control, launch circuit | From:SeekIC
M50119P is designed as one kind of infrared remote control launch circuit that can be used in the TVs. The internal circuit is composed of the keyboard input encoder, the instruction decoder, the oscillator, the timing signal generator, the scanning signal generator, the coding modulator and the output buffer.
It uses the aluminum gate CMOS technology;When it uses the single power operating mode, the power voltage is 2.2-5.5V;When the keyboard button is not pressed, the oscillator will stop oscillating to save the power comsumption;The duty ratio is small to reduce the power comsumption;The little external components, high signal to noise ratio, strong anti-interference ability;18-pin dual-row DIP plastic package;The matching model is M50120P.
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