Published:2009/7/17 1:56:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
This high-voltage probe allows your DMM to take high-voltage measurements to 10,000 V peak, and acts as a high-impedance (100-MΩ) probe for high-impedance circuit testing. The probe was designed to plug into a standard 10-MΩ input DMM. If your DMM has a different input, you can change R3 and R4 to suit it. The ratio of R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 should be exactly 1000 to 1; thus, a 10.00-V in-put will read 10.00 mV on your DMM. Keep in mind that the impedance of your DMM is in parallel with R3/R4 when you calculate new values.
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