Published:2011/7/13 23:01:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: VMOS tube, switching, power supply, application circuit | From:SeekIC
The VMOS tube switching power supply application circuit is as shown in the figure. Because this circuit uses the voltage comparator 710, the circuit is simplier than former circuits. In this figure, the resistances R1, R2, R3 and the regulator tubes VDl, VD2 form the partial voltage and voltage stabilization circuit, it divides the three groups of voltage (5V, 6V and 18V) from the 28V input voltage to be used as the power of 710; the power soft start-up circuit is composed of the resistances R12, R13, the capacitor C13, the diodes VD6, VD7 and the transistor VT3. In the moment of the power is connecting, the drive pulse width of the VMOS tube VTl increases exponentially.
The rated DC output voltage of this power supply is 5V, the output current is 10A, the operating frequency is 200kHz.
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