Published:2011/7/21 0:55:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Automatic, charger circuit | From:SeekIC
Automatic charger circuit
The automatic charger circuit which is composed of the VT1 charging circuit and the LM324 control circuit is as shown in figure 2-23, the charging loop is composed of the VD1, VD2, R5, VT1 and the batteries, the charging current is the pulsating current, it is controlled by the R5. The LM324 is the voltage comparator, the in-phase port has the comparison voltage and it is set by the potentiometer RP; the reverse phase voltage value is decided by the number of the rechargeable batteries, for example, when you are charging 2 nickel cadmium batteries, the comparison voltage can be set to 3V. The reverse phase pin-2 of LM324 is connected with the battery positive port through the resistor R4.
The power supply of LM324 is composed of VD2 and C1.
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