Published:2011/7/18 21:52:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Multi-functional, charger | From:SeekIC
Operating principle:
The circuit is as shown in figure 5-1. You connect the charged battery with the output port Vo, then turn on the power, the transistor VT1 will conduct, the collector electrode of it gets the constant current to charge the battery through the diode VD8. The resistances R12 and R13 are the biasing resistors of the transistor VT2, when the VT2 is in the conduction state, the collector electrode produces the constant collector current because it is connected with the diode VD7, and the constant collector current is output to the collector electrode of transistor VT1 through the emitter, it is used as the load current of VT1 to meet the constant current battery charging. THe VD7 is the constant current diode.
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