Published:2011/7/20 3:12:00 Author:Joyce | Keyword: Low Power Consumption, Monocell , Boost | From:SeekIC
Series RH5RH / 5 RI (product of Japan Ricoh Corporation) is a boost-dedicated switching regulator for fixed output. It only needs inductance, diode and capacitance to get fixed boost output. The good feature of this circuit is that it has low power consumption (4 ~ 15 uA), and it can function properly under the circumstance of 0.9 V low input voltage
SeriesRH5RI and RH5RH are the frequency modulation model (PFM) and pulse width modulation (PWM) three-terminal boost switching regulator ICs respectively. It includes series RH5RIxx1 (RH5RHxx1) in which drive is contained within the IC and series RH5RIxx2 (RH5RHxx2) in which drive is connected externally.
As shown in the following figure is the basic external circuit diagram of RH5RI and RH5RH.
When the drive has a large load, it can be connected externally as shown in the figure .
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