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Published:2013/3/20 1:24:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Linear Power Supply | From:SeekIC
Every electronic circuit will work as good as its power supply. However this is often overlooked. There are two main families of power supplies: the linear power supply and switch mode power supplies. Linear power supplies are easier to manufacture and to troubleshoot. But they have the disadvantage (especially for high power), the circuit is more complicated with the results of less power and heat faster than the switch mode power supply.
For a manufacturer, the choice of type of power supply will obviously influence the cost of manufacturing or integration. It should be notedthat anyhardwarevendordoes notmake themost ofits own power supply,and oftenwillbuy froma specialist.Creating aswitchingpower supplybyamateur is relatively difficult,evenwith the advent ofintegratedcomponentsprovidemost of the work.
In any case,strongly suggesta beginnerin electronics tostartwith the realization oflinearpower supply.Similarly,youare advisednottosolve theproblem ofswitchmodepowersupplyifyoudo notfullyunderstand.However, insome articlesthat this will bediscussed about thelinearpower supply.
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