Published:2011/7/13 23:13:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Electronic transformer | From:SeekIC
The circuit is as shown. The operating principle is the same as the switching power supply, the diodes VD1~VD4 forms the rectifier bridge and this rectifier bridge changes the city electricity into the DC, the high frequency oscillation circuit is copmosed of the oscillation transformer T1, the transistors VT1 and VT2, and this high frequency oscillation circuit changes the pulse DC into the high-frequency current, then the high-frequency high-voltage pulse is reduced by the ferrite output transformer T2 to get the voltage and power. R1 is the current limiting resistor. The start trigger circuit is composed of the resistance R2, the capacitance C1 and the two-way trigger diode VD5. The transistors VT1 and VT2 use the S13005, the B is 15~20 times. Also you can use the BUceo>=35OV high power transistor such as the C3093.
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