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Published:2009/7/19 21:41:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
In this circuit, the XR-2207 oscillator produces a sequence of tones by oscillating at a frequency set by C1 and resistors R1 through R6 (which sot the frequency or pitch of the output tone sequence). The XR-2240 counter/timer generates pseudo-random pulse patterns by selectively counting down the time-base frequency. The outputs of XR-2240 (pins 1 through 8) activate the timing resistors R1 through R6 of XR-2207, which convert the binary pulse patterns to tones. C3 and R0 set the beat or tempo of the music. The output tone sequence continues for about 1 to 2 minutes (depending on the beat ) and then repeats. The XR-2240 resets to zero when power is applied, so the tone sequence (or music) always starts from the same point when the synthesizer is turned on.
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