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Published:2011/11/10 2:55:00 Author:May | Keyword: Electric bicycle, intelligent charger | From:SeekIC
UC3845 is high-performance, single-end output current-mode PWM control circuit. Its biggest advantagesare fewer external components without independent auxiliary power supply, and simple external circuit assembly and low cost. Electric fly-back controllingbike uses it assmart charger, whichis very competitive in the market. The whole circuit principle is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 is an internal block diagram of UC3845. Each pin function of UC3845 is shown in Table 1. The novelty of the circuit is that it does not use internal error amplifier IC1 (reasonably, pin 2 is the namely reversed end and itshould be grounded), but it directly uses second precision voltage regulator IC3 AS431for adjusting and controlling. In the following diagram, we will try to interview it.
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