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Published:2011/7/14 2:31:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Automatic, nickel cadmium battery, charger | From:SeekIC
The circuit is as shown in figure 4-15. The constant current source is composed of the LM7805 and R1. IF you press the switch AN, the power supply voltage will make the relay K2 close; if you loosen the AN, the battery pack GB still supplies the power to the K2, so K2 is also in the closing state, the battery pack discharges through R3, the discharge indicator light LED2 turns on. When the battery pack GB's voltage can not maintain the closing of K2, the circuit will get into the charging state automaticly. When the rechargeable battery voltage increases to the set voltage, the relay K closes to stop charging, the indicator light LED1 turns on, this means the battery is full.
Figure4-15 Automatic nickel cadmium battery charger circuit
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