Published:2009/7/16 21:18:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
The latest microprocessors use low-voltage processes that allow the clock frequencies to increase dramatically. Increased clock frequencies result in higher core-supply currents. Several next-generation microprocessors will use a 2.5-V supply voltage and require greater than 5-A supply current. The LT1580-2.5 in the circuit shown has the lowest dropout of any 7-A linear regulator, only 0.6 V typical. This allows conversion from a standard 3.3-V main supply down to 2.5 V. In order to achieve this low dropout performance, a second low-current control supply 1.3V greater than the 2.5 V output is needed. A system 5-V supply conveniently provides this voltage, and only 200 mA is required from the control supply. The LT1580-2.5 also has fast transient response to load-current steps, minimizing required bulk output capacitance. An internal reference voltage with ±0.5 percent initial tolerance and Kelvin sense input make the output regulation very tight.
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