Published:2011/7/18 21:33:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, time-base, adjustable, power, charger | From:SeekIC
The adjustable power charger circuit which is introduced in this article has the highest charge voltage of 12V, the maximum charging current is 200mA. The adjustable voltage range is 0-12V, the adjustable current range is 0-200mA, and it has the constant voltage, trickle charging mode.
The circuit is as shown in figure 3-2. When the battery voltage rises to the set value, the circuit will stop operating. You can change the charging voltage by adjust the duty ratio of R2. When the voltage of the battery is full, the voltage-regulator diode VD6 punctures the conduction to trigger the conduction of the transistor VT, the green indicator light LED2 turns on, and the pin-4 of time-base circuit has the low level to stop the oscillation of the circuit, the pin-3 has no output voltage.
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