Published:2011/7/18 22:20:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: adjustable, current, charger | From:SeekIC
The circuit is as shown in figure 3-3. When the battery or storage battery which has lacking voltage is connected between A and B, the partial voltage value of the RP1's sliding port can not conduct VT5, the VT4 conducts, the resistance R9 is in the positive bias condition to conduct VT3, VT2, VT1, the VT6 turns on, the circuit is in the charging state. You can change the charging current by adjusting RP2's sliding port. As the voltage of the battery or the storage battery is gradually increased, the partial voltage value of the RP1's sliding port conducts VT5, the VT4, VT3, VT2, VT1 conduct, the VD6 turns off to indicate the end of charging. VT1 sets three emitter resistances with different resistance values through S2.
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