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Published:2009/7/6 1:48:00 Author:May | From:SeekIC
Circuit Notes
A simple X-band. radar detector is capable of indicating changes in rf radiation strength at levels down to 2 mW/cm2. Radiation falling on the detector diode, produces a voltage at the input of an amplifter whose gain may be adjusted to vary the range at which the warning is given. The amplifier output drives a voltage comparator with a variable threshold set to a level that avoids false alarms. The comparator output is connected in the wired-OR configuration with the open collector output of an oscillator running at a frequency of 2 Hz. In the absence of a signal, the comparator output level is low, inhibiting the oscillator output stage and holding the buffer so the lamp is off. When a signal appears, the comparator output goes high, removing the lock from the oscillator which free-runs, switching the lamp on and off at 2 Hz.
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