Published:2009/7/15 22:40:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
A turbidimeter is a scientific instrument used to measure the cloudiness of solutions,such as water,if you measure the amount of scattered light,you can measure the turbidity. Paint the inside of the test-tube holder flat black Glue a cadmium sulfide photoresistor (R2)to a cardboard disk,and glue the assembly to the open end of the 90°tube Next,cement a biconvex lens (one that curves outward on both sides) to the bottom of the test-tube holder. Power up I1,a 12-V, 1-A automotive light bulb, and hold it at various distances below the biconvex lens. Find the distance at which a beam of light comes straight up the tube or converges slightly, but does not diverge. Mount the lamp and play it on the 100-μA meter; the resistors on the rotary switch set the sensitivity or attenuation. Power is supplied to the circuit by two 9-V batteries in a split supply; I run the lamp off a separate 12-V supply. If you want truly calibrated readings, you'll need to buy a turbidity standard solution, available in JTU (Jackson Turbidity Units) and NTU (Nephelos Turbidity Units), from a science-sup-ply company. In operation, zero the meter to a clean-water blank, note the reading from a known standard, note the reading from the unknown sample, and calculate the sample's turbidity, based on the needle's position.
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