Published:2011/7/19 23:44:00 Author:chopper | Keyword: seeder, spray pipe, water break, alarm | From:SeekIC
This example describes the seeder spray pipe water break alarm, which can send a sound and light alarm in time to remind workers to process timely when the water breaks. The principle of circuitThe seeder spray pipe water break alarm circuit is formed by water break detection circuit and the sound and light alarm circuit,which is shown in Figure 4-102. Water break detection circuit is formed by the transistors V1,V3,potentiometers RP1,RP2,and resistors R1,R2,etc. Sound and light alarm circuit is formed by the transistors V2,V4-V6,light-emitting diodes VL1,VL2, resistors R3,R4,capacitor C1,C2 and the speaker BL. V2,V4 and VL1,VL2 form the LED indication circuit,and V5,V6 and C1,C2,R3,R4 form the audio oscillator circuit.
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