Published:2011/7/19 19:44:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: motorcycle, anti-theft, alarm | From:SeekIC
The principle of the circuit
The motorcycle anti-theft alarm circuit is composed of the trigger circuit, the low frequency oscillation circuit, the switch control circuit and the alarm circuit, the circuit is as shown in figure 7-88.
The trigger circuit is composed of the Dl and D2 (in the four NAND gate ICs (Dl-D4)), the resistors R3 and R4, the capacitor C3 and the mercury switch S4.
The low frequency oscillation circuit is composed of the transistor V, resistor Rl and diode VD3.
The alarm circuit is composed of the high loudness alarm HA and the diodes VDl-VD3.
Sl is the motorcycle turn light switch; ELl-EL4 are the turn lights; S2 is the power supply; S3 is the reset button, VL is the power indicator LED.
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