Published:2011/7/25 21:49:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Temperature controller | From:SeekIC
The temperature controller circuit is composed of the temperature detection circuit and temperature control circuit, and it is shown as the chart. Temperature detection circuit is composed of the temperature sensor (thermistor) RT, three-terminal precision regulators ICl, IC2, potentiometers RP1, RP2, RP5, ammeter (temperature indication with) PA, resistors R3 ~ R5 and temperature measurement / set switch. Temperature control circuit consists of three-terminal precision regulators IC3, IC4, transistor V, thyristor VT, voltage regulator diodes VS1, VS2, relay K, diode VD, LEDs VL1, VL2, resistors RI, R2, R7 ~ RIO and temperature UCL potentiometers RP3, RP4, temperature LC potentiometer.
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