Published:2011/7/26 2:40:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Electric heating appliance , temperature controller | From:SeekIC
The electric heating apparatus temperature control circuit is composed of the power supply circuit and temperature detection control circuit, and it is shown in Figure 3-76. Rl selects the 1/2W metal film resistor; R2 and R3 select 1/4W metal film resistors. RP uses the multi-turn potentiometer. RT uses NTC502 negative temperature coefficient thermistor, and the room temperature (25 ℃) resistance is about 5kΩ. Cl uses the polyester capacitor or CBB capacitor with voltage being greater than 400V; C2 select the aluminum electrolytic capacitor with voltage in 16V. VDl, VD2 choose the 1N4007 silicon rectifier diode.
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