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Published:2012/12/6 19:45:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Simple Electronic Keyer | From:SeekIC
A simple keyer suitable for a popcorn QRP transmitter can be built around an astable multivibrator and an example of such is shown above. The basic design of this keyer is from notes, however the original author of the circuit is unknown. The notes were written in 1973 . I modernized the circuit, added a variable speed control and designed an additional output driver stage.
Keying this circuit generates either dits and spaces or dahs and spaces. When the keyer is idle, Q1 is on and Q2 and Q3 are switched off. When the user sends code, Q1 turns off and Q2 and Q3 switch on and in turn key any device appropriately connected to the collector of Q3. The off-time of Q1 sets the on-time of Q2 and Q3. The off-time of Q2 and Q3 is set by the 22K Q2 base resistor. This off-time is the set time of the spaces and is constant.
The 68K resistor on the base of Q1 is about three times the resistance of the 22K base resistor on Q2 and consequently dahs are ~ three times the length in duration than dits. Spaces and dits are of the same length of time because when sending dits, the 68K base resistor is paralleled with the 33K resistor and effectively the resistance is ~22K ohms. If the optional relay driver transistor Q4 is used instead of Q3, the theory is the same, just substitute Q4 wherever you see Q3.
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