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Published:2009/7/24 2:39:00 Author:Jessie | From:SeekIC
Fig.13-23 This simple circuit provides an accuracy of 0.25℃ over 2℃ to 400℃ sensed range, Note that one side of sensor Rp is grounded to minimize noise problems. To calibrate, substitute a precision decade box(General Radio 1432)for Rp. Set the box to the 5℃ value(1019.9Ω)and adjust the 5℃ trim for 0.05 V at the LT1006. Next, set the box for the 400℃ value(2599.9Ω)and adjust the 400℃ trim for a 4.000-V output, Repeat this procedure until both points are fixed. The resistance values given are for a nominal 1000.0-Ω(0℃)sensor. Sensors that deviate from this nominal value can be used by factoring In the deviation from 1000.0Ω Linear Technology. Linear Application Handbook 1990, AN23-1.
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