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Published:2011/6/27 2:31:00 Author:Sue | Keyword: Plastic Bags, Sealing, Machine | From:SeekIC
When S1 is on, 220v voltage will generate 18v and 24v voltage after reduction. The 18v voltage will provide the heating control circuit and indicating circuit with working power. The 24v voltage will charge C2. HL1 is illuminated and V1-V3 are disconnected. K is released. EL is not heated and HL2 is not illuminated.
When S2's nomally closed interlock is disconnected, C2 will charge V1's b, and V2 V1 will be connected. K is connected and K2 K1 are connected. EH is heated. HL2 is illuminated. When C2 stops discharging, V1 V2 are disconnected and K is released. EH stops working. The bag is sealed.
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