Published:2011/7/19 20:45:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Motorcycle, anti-thief, alarm circuit | From:SeekIC
The principle of the circuit
The motorcycle anti-thief alarm circuit is composed of the anti-theft detection circuit, the control circuit, the sound generator, the audio oscillator and the power amplifier output circuit, the circuit is as shown in figure 7-91.
The anti-theft detection circuit is composed of the piezoelectric vibration sensor BC, the resistors R3-R7, R18, the capacitors Cl-C3, the diodes VDl-VD3 and the D3, D4 of the four NAND gate IC (Dl-D4).
The control circuit is composed of the transistors Vl and V3, the resistors Rl, R2, Rll-R13.
The sound generator is composed of the resistors R8 and R9, the capacitor C4 and the sound integrated circuit IC2.
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