Published:2011/7/19 22:33:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Motorcycle, anti-thief, alarm | From:SeekIC
The principle of the circuit
The motorcycle anti-thief alarm circuit is composed of the anti-thief monitoring circuit, the voice circuit and the high loudness alarm circuit, the circuit is as shown in figure 7-96.
The anti-thief monitoring circuit is composed of the mercury switch S2, the resistors Rl-R4, the capacitors Cl, C2, the transistors Vl-V3 and the diodes VDl.
The voice circuit is composed of the diodes VD2-VD7, the resistors R4-R6, the voltage stabilization diode VS, the filter capacitor C3 and the voice IC ICl.
The high loudness alarm circuit is composed of the diode VD8, the step-up drive module IC2 and the high loudness alarm HA.
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