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Index 12

A 74*240-based motor driver

Published:2013/6/27 21:16:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 74*240-based, motor driver

A 74*240-based motor driver

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The "BEAM Stepper" drive circuit

Published:2013/6/27 21:12:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: The "BEAM Stepper" , drive circuit

The BEAM Stepper drive circuit

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stepper motor drive circuit 2

Published:2013/6/27 21:11:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: stepper motor, drive circuit

stepper motor drive circuit 2

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stepper motor drive circuit 1

Published:2013/6/27 21:10:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: stepper motor, drive circuit

stepper motor drive circuit 1

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stepper motor drive circuit

Published:2013/6/27 21:09:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: stepper motor , drive circuit

stepper motor drive circuit

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74*245-based motor driver

Published:2013/6/27 21:08:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 74*245-based , motor driver

74*245-based motor driver

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Switch Machines

Published:2013/6/27 20:54:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Switch Machines

Switch Machines

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Comparator Power-On Delay Circuits

Published:2013/6/25 22:35:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Comparator Power-On Delay Circuits

Comparator Power-On Delay Circuits

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Comparator Timer Delay Schematic #3

Published:2013/6/25 22:34:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Comparator Timer Delay Schematic

Comparator Timer Delay Schematic #3

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Comparator Timer Delay Schematic #2

Published:2013/6/25 22:33:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Comparator Timer Delay Schematic

Comparator Timer Delay Schematic #2

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Comparator Time Delay Schematic #1

Published:2013/6/25 22:33:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Comparator Time Delay Schematic

Comparator Time Delay Schematic #1

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Toggle Switch Type Protection Circuit Schematic

Published:2013/6/25 21:49:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Toggle Switch Type, Protection Circuit Schematic

Toggle Switch Type Protection Circuit Schematic

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Protection Circuit with SCR Output Schematic

Published:2013/6/25 21:48:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Protection Circuit , SCR Output Schematic

Protection Circuit with SCR Output Schematic

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Push Button Type Protection Circuit Schematic with Relay Output

Published:2013/6/25 21:48:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Push Button Type , Protection Circuit Schematic , Relay Output

Push Button Type Protection Circuit Schematic with Relay Output

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L.M.R.G. Diamond Protection Circuit

Published:2013/6/25 21:47:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: L.M.R.G. Diamond, Protection Circuit

L.M.R.G. Diamond Protection Circuit

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Rail Crossing Diamond Protection Circuit Schematic

Published:2013/6/25 21:46:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Rail Crossing Diamond , Protection Circuit Schematic

Rail Crossing Diamond Protection Circuit Schematic

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Synchronous Flasher Control Schematic

Published:2013/6/25 21:42:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Synchronous Flasher Control Schematic

Synchronous Flasher Control Schematic
In the synchronous flasher control the oscillator is running at all times and the power to each set of flashers is turned on or off by the control circuit for that crossing. This allows any number of flasher sets at different crossings to controlled individually and yet flash in unison. Two versions of the flasher output control are shown. In OUTPUT 1 the lights are turned on when the control circuit goes to the common of the circuit. In OUTPUT 2 the lights are turned on when the control circuit goes to the positive supply of the circuit or some other supply source. In either case the PNP and NPN transistors above and below the LED's are turned on and the crossing lights will flash. IF more than one set of flashers is used at a particular crossing the LED's could be wired in series so as to keep the number of output control circuits to a minimum. This is shown on the basic flasher schematic.   (View)

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Basic Stepper Motor Driver

Published:2013/6/21 3:12:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Basic Stepper Motor Driver

Basic Stepper Motor Driver

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Typical 556 Stall-Motor Driver schematic

Published:2013/6/21 3:06:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 556 , Stall-Motor, Driver schematic

Typical 556 Stall-Motor Driver schematic

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Published:2013/6/21 3:02:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 'Y' TRACK SWITCH, MACHINE CONTROL


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