Published:2011/7/25 2:11:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: Household, simple, flashing, wall lamp, controller | From:SeekIC
The circuit principle: the circuit is as shown in the figure, the simple resistance step-down half-wave full-wave circuit is composed of vd1, vd2, r3 and c2, it outputs the 12V DC to the IC. The multivibrator is composed of the NOT gate I and II, you can change the oscillation frequency by adjusting the rp1 and rp2. The VD3 has the isolation effect to prevent the influence between rp1 and rp2 when you are adjusting rp1. When the circuit is start-up, the NAND gate output port alternately outputs the high level and the low level. When pin-3 outputs the high level, the thyristor vs2 conducts, the light b turns on, at this time the pin-4 has the low level, the light a will not turns on; when pin-3 outputs the low level, the thyristor vs2 cuts off, the light b turns off.
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