Published:2011/7/26 2:27:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Electric curtain controller | From:SeekIC
The electric curtain controller circuit is composed of the power supply circuit, timer circuit, interlock switching circuit and overtravel-limit switch control circuit, it is shown as Figure 3-126. Power supply circuit is composed of button switches S1-1, S2-1, power transformer T, rectifier diodes VD1-VD4, capacitors C1-C4 and three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit ICl and so on. The timer circuit is composed of the time-base timer IC IC2, capacitor C5, resistors Rl, R2, transistor V and relay Kl. Interlock switch circuit is composed of the relay K3, and switches S1-2, S2-2, S3 and so on.
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